Aplicatie mobila pentru preluare comenzi

Primesti comenzi online plasate pe site-ul sau pagina ta de Facebook direct pe smartphone sau tableta.

Primesti si accepti comenzile instant

De fiecare data cand cineva plaseaza o comanda, esti notificat instant prin aplicatia de preluare comenzi.

Dupa ce primesti o alerta sonora, ai la dispozitie 3 minute sa o revizuiesti si sa o accepti.

Install the restaurant order taking app on your iOS or Android device to start accepting orders through your website and Facebook page.

The device will notify you every time you get a new order, and your customers will know exactly when you’ve accepted it.

Confirmarea comenzii in timp real

Clientul tau asteapta sa revizuiesti comanda si primeste confirmarea ta instant.

Totul fara telefoane de confirmare si fara apeluri pierdute.

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Aplicatie mobil pentru preluare comenzi restaurante in timp real

Motivele pentru care clientii s-au indragostit de solutia noastra

Are you running out of beans for your famous chilly? Mark it as out-of-stock for as long as you want, directly from the order-taking app.

Steer clear of negative reviews and complaints by preventing customers from ordering something that’s no longer available.

Printezi automat direct din aplicatie comenzile acceptate

Aplicatia mobila iti ofera mai multe optiuni pentru a printa automat comenzile dupa ce au fost acceptate:

Imprimanta termica conectata la aplicatie

Automatically print accepted orders directly from the mobile order taking app

Streamline communication between your front-of-house and back-of-house by connecting the order taking app with a thermal printer.

Every order you accept will get automatically printed, eliminating friction and misunderstandings.